The action-meister. One of the best action-writers in the business. His career
got off to a great start with the smash-hit Lethal Weapon and took off
with the sequel. Black became one of the highest paid in the business with the
sale of The Last Boy Scout. The fast-paced action-packed movie gave Black
a reported $1.75 million. He next did some work on the custom-made-to-be-a-huge-hit
The Last Action Hero. We all know how that ended up, so enough about
that. The action-drama(-comedy?) The Long Kiss Goodnight, made Black
one of the highest paid screenwriters ever with a whopping $4 million. A.W.O.L.
is a small budget project that was expected to be Black's directing debut,
but he ended up "only" producing.
Some say Black has lost his ability to write good stories and that his days
as a hollywood writer of significance are over. It might be true that his writing
is not the same as it used to be, I have not read the The Long Kiss Goodnight
or the A.W.O.L. scripts, but I sure hope he will find his way back, not
only for his own sake, but for our - the audience.
Filmography for Shane Black:
A.W.O.L (1999)
As Good As It Gets (1997) (actor)
Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn, An (1997) (cameo)
Long Kiss Goodnight, The (1996)
Night Realm (1994) (actor)
Last Action Hero, The (1993)
Robocop 3 (1993) (actor)
Last Boy Scout, The (1991)
Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
Dead Heat (1988) (actor)
Predator (1987) (actor)
Lethal Weapon (1987)
Monster Squad, The (1987)
As writer, except where noted.
Sites for Shane Black:
At The Action/Adventure
Screenwriting Home Page you can read an article about Black and his writing.
A truly great writer, Jeffrey Boam never did anything but a first class job.
The list of screenplays may not be that long, but what a set! Working on two
of the best series ever produced in Hollywood, Lethal Weapon and Indiana Jones,
Boam truly has set the standards for a great screenplay. Boam is definitely
regarded as one of the best in the business. His script for the fourth installment
of Indiana Jones is still considered the hottest contender for that production.
Jeffrey Boam passed away in January of 2000 after suffering from a rare lung
Filmography for Jeffrey Boam:
- Meg (2000)
- Phantom, The (1996)
- Lethal Weapon 3 (1992)
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
- Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
- Funny Farm (1988)
- Innerspace (1987) (also act)
- Lost Boys, The (1987)
- Dead Zone, The (1983)
- Straight Time (1978)
As writer.
Mr. Hard-Ball. Known as a tuff boss who stops at nothing to acheive "greatness".
With out a doubt one of the best writer-director-producer in the action-genre,
respectively as well as collectively. Cameron was born in Kapuskasing, Canada,
a town just north of Niagara Falls. After the move to California Cameron made
Piranha II: The Spawning. After being kicked off the movie, Cameron started
writing on The Terminator. The movie became a hit with a cult following.
He then simultaneously wrote Rambo: First Blood II and Aliens,
which he also directed.
Both became hits and Cameron moved on to film The Abyss. The movie
got mixed reviews and became a disappointement at the B.O. Cameron then returned
to the story of the cyborg travelling in time. He sat down and started writing,
with the help of William Wisher Jr., on the sequel. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
went on to become one of the highest-grossing action movies of all time. The
movie started a new era in action and special effects-movies. Two years later,
Cameron reteamed with Schwarzenegger to film the action-drama-spy flick True
Lies. At the same time he wrote the apocalyptic Strange Days. One
became a huge hit and the other a huge disappointment (at the B.O. that is).
These past years work include Terminator 2: 3-D, at Universal Studios
in Orlando, and Titanic, as well as creating a TV-series named Dark
Angel. As for Cameron's next project the rumours are many. His dream project
Spiderman is now out of legal battle, but the rights are in the wrong hands,
from Cameron's point of view.
Terminator 3, however, is now becoming a reality after 20th Century Fox's
acquisition of the rights, although Cameron has said he will not be part of
it. Works are reportedly on the way with no less than three rewrites including
a brand new terminator. A screenwriter has also been hired to write True Lies
2, but this time under the supervision of Cameron.
Filmography for James Cameron:
- True Lies 2 (2002)
- Dark Angel (2000)
- Titanic (1997) (writer, dir, prod)
- Terminator 2: 3-D (1996) (dir)
- Strange Days (1995) (writer, prod)
- True Lies (1994) (writer, dir, prod)
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) (writer, dir, prod)
- Point Break (1991) (prod)
- Abyss, The (1989) (writer, dir)
- Aliens (1986) (writer, dir, misc)
- Rambo: First Blood II (1985) (writer)
- Terminator, The (1984) (writer, dir)
- Android (1982) (misc)
- Freedom (1982) (actor)
- Piranha II: The Spawning (1981) (dir)
- Escape from New York (1981) (misc)
- Galaxy of Terror (1981) (misc)
- Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) (misc)
Sites for James Cameron:
The Amazing James
Cameron Page
Starting out as a novelist, directing a TV-movie, and then writing screenplays,
Crichton has been involved in all stages off filmmaking. The height of his directorial
career is probably the acclaimed The Great Train Robbery. In later years
Crichton seems to have concentrated on writing novels and screenplays. He has
become one of the most reliable writers when it comes to boxoffice. Even if
the movie fails to deliver, such as Congo, the audience seems to be coming,
and thus it does not fail to deliver the most crucial element - cash. If it
has to do with Crichton's writing or just luck in advertising is another question.
Though it should be said that Crichton did not write the screenplay for Congo,
only the novel. His third book about the carnivorous beasts of times past is
now brought to the silver screen. This time, however, Spielberg is not directing.
Filmography for Michael Crichton:
- Jurassic Park 3 (2000) (novel)
- 13th Warrior, The (1999) (novel; Eaters of the Dead)
- Airframe (1998) (novel)
- Lost World, The (1997) (also novel)
- Twister (1996) (also prod)
- Congo (1995) (novel)
- Disclosure (1994) (novel, prod)
- Jurassic Park (1993) (also novel)
- Rising Sun (1993) (also novel)
- Physical Evidence (1989) (dir)
- Runaway (1984) (also dir)
- Looker (1981) (also dir)
- Great Train Robbery, The (1979) (also novel, dir)
- Coma (1978) (also dir)
- Terminal Man, The (1974) (novel)
- Extreme Close-Up (1973)
- Westworld (1973) (also dir)
- Carey Treatment, The (1972) (novel) (as Jeffrey Hudson)
- Dealing: Or the Berkeley-to-Boston Forty-Brick Lost-Bag Blues (1972 (novel)
(as Michael Douglas)
- Andromeda Strain, The (1970) (novel)
As screen-writer, except where noted.
Talk about diverse: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors was
his first outing as a writer. Seven years later he receives an Academy Award
Nomination for The Shawshank Redemption. Darabont was supposed to do
some work on Star Wars - Episode one: The Phantom Menace, but after he'd
read the script by George Lucas, he said there was nothing to be done. It's
perfect. Instead he did some uncredited work on Saving Private Ryan.
He then wrote and directed the acclaimed The Green Mile.
He reportedly worked as a writer on Spielberg's Minority Report, based
on the story by Philip K. Dick, and is currently working on The Majestic,
which he both wrote and directs.
Filmography for Frank Darabont:
- Majestic, The (2001) (also dir)
- Green Mile, The (1999) (also dir)
- Vampires (1998) (actor)
- Saving Private Ryan (1998) (uncredited)
- Eraser (1996) (uncredited)
- Fan, The (1996) (uncredited)
- Mary Shelly's Frankenstein (1994)
- Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) (also dir)
- Fly II, The (1989)
- Blob, The (1988)
- Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, A (1987)
- Vergiftet aka Woman in the room, The (1983) (dir)
- Crimes of Passion (1984) (misc)
As writer, except where noted.
(pic: Darabont and Morgan Freeman on The Shawshank set)
Starting out as a writer for TV, De Souza's career took off when he wrote
48 HRS. for Joel Silver. The movie became a hit and De Souza went higher
with two Schwarzenegger veichles, Commando and The Running Man.
After the two first Die Hard movies he was on top.
Unfortunately he's been involved in some of the worst flops in the last couple
of years, and is far from his glory days. Some rumours say that De Souza is
involved in a remake of Flash Gordon, but that may be all that it is,
a rumour. Knock Off, with van Damme, also bombed at the B.O.
De Souza's latest foray into the art of directing is the TV-movie The Possessed
which he also wrote the screenplay for. If he has managed to break the downward
spiral of the last couple of years with this one I cannot say since I have not
seen or heard anything about it. But I assume he is proud of it since he asked
me to include it in his filography.
De Souza has written an early screenplay for the screen adaption of the computer
game Tomb Raider, but he has not received any credit for the final film.
Filmography for Steven E. De Souza:
- Knock Off (1998)
- Judge Dredd (1995)
- Beverly Hills Cop III (1994)
- Flintstones, The (1994)
- Street Fighter (1994) (also dir)
- Hudson Hawk (1991)
- Ricochet (1991)
- Die Hard 2 (1990)
- Bad Dreams (1988)
- Die Hard (1988)
- Running Man, The (1987)
- Commando (1985)
- Return of Captain Invincible, The (1983)
- 48 HRS. (1982)
As writer.
Devlin began his movie career as an actor. When he worked on Roland Emmerich's
Moon 44, the director was as impressed with Devlin's writing as
with his acting, and the two teamed up on Universal Soldier. With
Stargate, the resurrector of the sci-fi genre, and Independence
Day, Devlin, together with Emmerich, has achieved a powerful position
in the business. Though, it might have become somewhat faded due to the
disappointed performance of Godzilla.
Filmography for Dean Devlin (except when only act.):
1. Godzilla (1998) (also prod) **½ (out of 5)
2. Independence Day (1996) (also prod, sec unit dir) ****½
3. Stargate (1994) (also prod) ****
4. Universal Soldier (1992) ***
As writer.
Filmography for Leslie Dixon:
1. That Old Feeling (1997)
2. Look Who's Talking Now (1993)
3. Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) ****½
4. Outrageous Fortune (1987)
5. Overboard (1987)
One of the, if not the, greatest writers of alltime, Goldman is still going
strong. An impressive sheet with films that varies over all genres. Goldman
has adapted many books into film, but his latest, Absolute Power,
truly sucked. The film in itself is pretty good, but it's far from the
novel. I mean, the main character is cut out! The uncredited work on Good
Will Huntig reportedly consicted mostly of advise for Damon and Affleck,
and not much actual writing.
Filmography for William Goldman:
1. General's Daughter, The (1999)
2. Good Will Hunting (1997) (uncredited) **** (out of 5)
3. Absolute Power (1997) ***
4. Fierce Creatures (1997) (uncred) ***
5. Chamber, The (1996)
6. Ghost and the Darkness, The (1996)
7. Maverick (1994) ****
8. Last Action Hero (1993) ***
9. Chaplin (1992)
10. Memoirs of an Invisible Man (1992) ***
11. Year of the Comet (1992)
12. Misery (1990)
13. Heat (1987) (also novel)
14. Princess Bride, The (1987) (also novel)
15. Mr. Horn (1979) (TV)
16. Magic (1978) (also novel)
17. Bridge Too Far, A (1977)
18. All the President's Men (1976) ***½
19. Marathon Man (1976) (also novel)
20. Great Waldo Pepper, The (1975)
21. Stepford Wives, The (1975)
22. Hot Rock, The (1972)
23. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) ****
24. No Way to Treat a Lady (1968) (novel)
25. Harper (1966)
26. Masquerade (1965)
27. Soldier in the Rain (1963) (novel)
As writer.
Goldsman has become a favorite writer of John Grisham. He has written the
latest Grisham big-screen adaption, The Rainmaker. But together
with Joel Schumacher, he has completely destroyed the Batman franchise.
I refuse to see Batman and Robin. And I truly hope that the rumour
that Schumacher will direct another one is bogus. Tim Burton come back!
Filmography for Akiva Goldsman:
1. Practical Magic (1998)
2. Lost in Space (1998) *** (out of 5)
3. Rainmaker, The (1997)
4. Batman and Robin (1997)
5. Time to Kill, A (1996)
6. Batman Forever (1995) ***
7. Client, The (1994) ***½
8. Silent Fall (1994)
Dan Gordon
Filmography for Dan Gordon
1. Toscano (1999) (also dir)
2. Assignment, The (1997)
3. Murder in the First (1995) **** (out of 5)
4. Nowhere to Hide (1994) (TV)
5. Wyatt Earp (1994)
6. Surf Ninjas (1993) (also prod) **
7. Taking the Heat (1993) (TV)
8. Passenger 57 (1992) ***½
9. Gotcha! (1985)
10. Gulag (1985) (TV)
11. Tank (1984) ***½
As writer.
Walon Green
Filmography for Walon Green
1. Hi-Lo Country, The (1998)
2. Island of Dr. Moreau, The (1996)
3. Eraser (1996) ***½ (out of 5)
4. Judge Dredd (1995) **
5. Robocop 2 (1990) **½
6. Solarbabies (1986)
7. Border, The (1982)
8. Brink's Job, The (1978)
9. Secret Life of Plants, The (1978) (dir)
10. Sorcerer (1977)
11. Hellstrom Chronicle, The (1971) (dir)
12. Wild Bunch, The (1969)
13. Spree (1967) (dir)
As writer, except where noted.
Brian Helgeland has become a favorite writer for director Richard Donner
and actor Mel Gibson. After Assassins and Conspiracy Theory,
he wrote a story for Lethal Weapon 4. But Donner chose to give to someone
else for a rewrite. Though, Helgeland made his directorial debut with Payback,
that he also scripted. But, he got off on the wrong side with Mel Gibson
and was replaced by, I think it was, Gibson's old hairdresser, or something.
Reflection: Talk about getting jobs for nothing. His previous four scripted
movies failed. The Postman really tanked, but maybe that's because
Costner did a complete rewrite and added an hour to Helgeland's script.
Of course, he won an Oscar for co-writing LA Confidential. But,
just to say that his scripts, or the movies for that matter, are bad just
because they bombed is, as we all know, a big mistake.
Filmography for Brian Helgeland:
1. Payback (1998) (also dir)
2. Postman, The (1997)
3. L.A. Confidential (1997) (also prod) ****½ (out of 5)
4. Conspiracy Theory (1997) ***½
5. Assassins (1995) ***
6. Highway to Hell (1992)
7. 976-EVIL (1988)
8. Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master, A (1988)
His first script work was on Disney's A Far off Place, then he co-wrote
Jumanji. His career took off when John McTiernan read his script
"Simon Says", and liked it so much that he wanted it for his next project,
the third instalment in the Die Hard-series. Hensleigh's next work
was to rewrite The Rock. There were many surprised voices when the
WGA decided not to give Hensleigh credit. Objections were made by the producer
and the director, Michael Bay, but to no help. As a result Hensleigh is
not credited in the movie, but if you watch the teasers you will see at
the end that sole screenplay credit is given to Jonathan Hensleigh. Hensleigh
has many projects going. His latest projects include Armageddon and
Virus. His planned directorial debut with Hulk, from his own
script, has been cancelled due to budget and script problems.
Filmography for Jonathan Hensleigh:
1. Virus (1999)
2. Armageddon (1998) ***½ (out of 5)
3. Con Air (1997) (uncred) ***½
4. Saint, The (1997) ***½
5. Rock, The (1996) (uncredited) ****
6. Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) ****½
7. Jumanji (1995) ***
8. Far Off Place, A (1993)
As writer.
As I don't know too much on Jarre, I can say that he wrote Tombstone
that was directed by George Cosmatos. And George Cosmatos was married to
a Swedish woman (who has sadly passed away), and they used to own a house
next to my fiancée's family home in Ostavall, Medelpad, Sweden.
So now you know that. Lucky you.
Filmography for Kevin Jarre:
1. Jackal, The (1997) (also prod)
2. Devil's Own (1997)
3. Tombstone (1993)
4. Glory (1989)
5. Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) (story)
Callie Khouri first wanted to be an actress but after a few years she realized
that what she wanted to do was writing. Thelma & Louise was
Khouri's first screenplay.
Filmography for Callie Khouri:
1. Mighty Joe Young (1998) (uncredited)
2. Something to Talk About (1995)
3. Thelma & Louise (1991) (also co-prod)
Maybe the screenwriter with the most impressive sheet in the industry.
Koepp's list contains almost only successful movies, and no real disappointments.
This has made him one of the best paid and most hired writers today. Mr.
Hughes is currently under production and is based on a story by its
director Brian DePalma. The two worked together on Snake Eyes as
well. Starring in the bio-pic of billionare Hughes are among others Nicolas
Cage and Warren Beatty.
Filmography for David Koepp:

1. Mr. Hughes (1999)
2. Stir of Echoes, A (1999) (also dir)
3. Snake Eyes (1998) (also prod)
4. Lost World, The (1997) (also act)
5. Mission: Impossible (1996)
6. Trigger Effect, The (1996) (also dir)
7. Paper, The (1994) (also co-prod)
8. Shadow, The (1994)
9. Carlito's Way (1993)
10. Jurassic Park (1993)
11. Death Becomes Her (1992)
12. Toy Soldiers (1991)
13. Bad Influence (1990)
14. Hawks (1989) (misc)
15. Apartment Zero (1988)
As writer, except where noted.
Genre. Lawton's been in more than one. His first was Cannibal Women
in the Avocado Jungle of Death!, billed as J.D. Athens. Then going
to something completely different, Pretty Woman, only to move on
with Pizza Man, once again as J.D. Athens. Action and slapstick
also gets featured on the meny. He's currently working on the TV-series
V.I.P. with Pamela Anderson.
Filmography for J.F. Lawton:
1. Chainreaction (1996)
2. Hunted, The (1995)
3. Blankman (1994)
4. Mistress (1992)
5. Under Siege (1992)
6. Pizza Man (1991) (as J.D. Athens)
7. Pretty Woman (1990)
8. Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death (1988) (as J.D. Athens)
No presentation needed, I hope.
Filmography for George Lucas:
1. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) (also dir)
2. Radioland Murders (1994)
3. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
4. Willow (1988)
5. Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985) (TV)
6. Ewok Adventure, The (1984) (TV)
7. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
8. Return of the Jedi (1983) *****
9. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) ****½
10. Empire Strikes Back, The (1980) *****
11. More American Graffiti (1979)
12. Star Wars (1977) (also dir) *****
13. American Graffiti (1973) (also dir) ****½
14. THX 1138 (1970) (also dir)
15. Filmmaker (1968) (also dir)
16. Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town (1967) (also dir)
17. THX 1138:4EB (1967) (also dir)
18. 1:42:08: A Man and His Car (1966)
19. Freiheit (1966) (also dir)
20. Herbie (1966) (also dir)
21. Look at Life (1965) (also dir)
As writer.
Kevin Smith won great acclaim with his debutfilm Clerks. His next
work fared worse, but his status was restored with Chasing Amy.
Next he wrote a script for the intended ressurection of the Superman
series, but when Tim Burton boarded the project he turned it down. As a
result it's in the deep freeze. Hopefully that won't happen to Fletch
3. I'm eagerly awaiting what Smith can do with the all-time American
hero. Dogma, starring Matt Damon and Ben Affleck as two dark angels
on earth, has received some heat from various religious groups and Miramax
got cold hands and let it go, only to pick it up again.
Filmography for Kevin Smith:
1. Dogma (1999) (also dir, act)
2. Fletch 3 (1999)
3. Chasing Amy (1997) (aslo dir, act)
4. Overnight Delivery (1996) (uncredited)
5. Mallrats (1995) (also dir, act)
6. Clerks (1994) (also dir, act) ****(out of 5)
As writer.
He started out wanting to be an actor, but winded up writing the Broadway
hit A Few Good Men. He later adapted it for the big screen and it
became a big hit. Since then he's been writing both for the screen as well
as for the stage.

Filmography for Aaron Sorkin:
1. Enemy of the State (1998) ****(out of 5)
2. Excess Baggage (1997) (uncredited)
3. Rock, The (1996) (uncredited) ****
4. American President, The (1995) (also act)
5. Malice (1993) ***
6. A Few Good Men (1992) (also act) ****
As writer.
A writer of main-stream "horror" flicks. Strick's scripts contains suspense
sometimes on the edge of horror. Strick's script to The Saint was
originally written by Jonathan Hensleigh,
but was rewritten by Strick. But Hensleigh is the one credited. Rumours
has it that Tim Burton hired Strick to write the script for the new Superman
movie. The first script by Kevin Smith
was considered not dark enough. The film is on ice and Burton has left
the ship. They reportedly spent over $20 million on pre-production.
Filmography for Wesley Strick:
1. Return to Paradise (1998)
2. Saint, The (1997) ***½ (out of 5)
3. Tie That Binds, The (1995) (dir)
4. Wolf (1994) ***
5. Final Analysis (1992)
6. Cape Fear (1991) ***
7. Arachnophobia (1990) ***½
8. True Believer (1989)
9. Dodd (1984)
As writer, except where noted.
I have heard that Stuart did some work on 48 HRS. but some say it's
not so (Todd Stebbins being one of them). I have a vague memory of reading
it an interview with Stuart, but as I think of it it does seem unlikely.
Stuart has made his directorial debut with Switchback.
Filmography for Jeb Stuart:
1. Switchback (1997) (also dir)
2. Fire Down Below (1997) (story)
3. Going West (1996)
4. Just Cause (1995) *** (out of 5)
5. Outbreak (1995) (uncred) ***
6. Fugitive, The (1993) ****½
7. Another 48 HRS. (1990) ***
8. Vital Signs (1990)
9. Leviathan (1989)
10. Lock Up (1989)
11. Die Hard (1988) *****
Thompson's first work was a novel called First Born. With the help
of a friend she sent it to Stephen King's agent. He bought the book the
very next day.
Filmography for Caroline Thompson:
1. Buddy (1997)
2. Black Beauty (1994)
3. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993)
4. Nightmare Before Christmas, The (1993) **** (out of 5)
5. Secret Garden, The (1993)
6. Addams Family, The (1991) ***
7. Edward Scissorhands (1990) (also story) ***½
One of the biggest and best in Hollywood, though I didn't like the movie
version of the excellent Grisham book The Firm.
Filmography for Robert Towne:
1. Without Limits (1998) (also dir)
2. Armageddon (1998) (uncredited) ***½ (out of 5)
3. Mission: Impossible (1996) ****
4. Love Affair (1994)
5. Firm, The (1993) ***
6. Days of Thunder (1990) ****
7. Two Jakes, The (1990)
8. Tequila Sunrise (1988) (also dir) ***
9. 8 Million Ways to Die (1986) (uncredited)
10. Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984) (as P.H. Vazak)
11. Swing Shift (1984) (uncred)
12. Personal Best (1982) (also dir)
13. Heaven Can Wait (1978) (uncred)
14. Orca (1977) (uncred)
15. Missouri Breaks, The (1976) (uncred)
16. Shampoo (1975)
17. Yakuza, The (1975)
18. Chinatown (1974)
19. Last Detail, The (1973)
20. Cisco Pike (1972) (uncred)
21. Villa Rides (1968)
22. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) (uncred)
23. Tomb of Ligeia (1965)
24. My Daddy Can Lick Your Daddy (1962)
25. Last Woman on Earth, The (1960)
After writing the superb The Fugitive and the quick-in-quick-out-but-still-entertaining
Terminal Velocity, Twohy made his feature-film directorial debut
with The Arrival, which I find a good work both in script and, especially,
in directing. After doing some doctoring on G. I. Jane, Twohy has
recently made two new deals. He'll write the supernatural Cry Havoc
for director Ridley Scott, and both write and direct Nightfall.
The latter is a dark, mythic, sci-fi horror film about an expedition that
has crashed on a strange planet. It was first ment to be a film on the
book by Isaac Asimov, but after Twohy came onboard the direction has changed
and it is now only loosely, if at all, based on the book. The name has
also changed to Pitch Black.
Filmography for David Twohy:
1. Pitch Black (1999) (also dir)
2. G.I. Jane (1997)
3. Arrival, The (1996) (also dir)
4. Last Gasp (1995) (uncred)
5. Waterworld (1995)
6. Terminal Velocity (1994) (also prod)
7. Fugitive, The (1993)
8. Grand Tour, The (1992) (TV) (also dir)
9. Warlock (1989)
10. Critters 2: The Main Course (1988)
As writer.
I wonder what goes on inside the head of Andrew Kevin Walker. All his films
are dark and twisted, although I haven't seen Brainscan I've heard
it's that way as well. Walker became, of course, a hot property in Hollywood
after the hugely successful Seven. In the expanded sci-fi market
some excellent novels will be adapted for the screen. Walker will adapt
Rama from the novel by Arthur C. Clarke. Seven and The
Game director David Fincher will direct this one as well. Here's an
odd combination: Masters of darkness Tim Burton and Andrew Kevin Walker
pairing on a romantic(!) film starring Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci.
Sleepy Hollow could really be something to look forward to.
Filmography for Andrew Kevin Walker:
1. Rendezvous with Rama (1999)
2. 8MM (1999)
3. Sleepy Hollow (1999)
4. Game, The (1997) (uncred)
5. Se7en (1995) (also act)
6. Hideaway (1995)
7. Brainscan (1994)
Waters has some cool scripts on his sheet, including the oh so trashed
Hudson Hawk that I actually didn't find all that bad. Unless, of
course, it's ment to be taken seriously.
Filmography for Daniel Waters:
1. Demolition Man (1993) ***½ (out of 5)
2. Batman Returns (1992) ****
3. Hudson Hawk (1991) ***
4. Adventures of Ford Fairlaine, The (1990) ****
5. Heathers (1989)
One of the highest paid writers in the business. After Buffy the Vampire
Slayer, Whedon did some uncredited rewrites on Speed while it
was shooting. The movie made it big, as we all know, and he then rewrote
the script for the second most expensive movie of all time - that actually
has made a profit, despite what people say - for some hundred grand a week.
He gained an Academy Award Nomination for Toy Story, and has written
the fourth installment in the Alien series. I just have to say that
it's unfortunate that they chose to destroy such a good film that Resurrection
could have been with that last 45 minutes. Pity.
Filmography for Joss Whedon:
1. Alien: Resurrection (1997) ***½ (out of 5)
2. Twister (1996) (uncredited) ***
3. Toy Story (1995) ****
4. Waterworld (1995) ****
5. Speed (1994) (uncredited) ****½
6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) **
As writer.
Definitely one of the hottest writers in the business today. Reportedly,
Williamson had to borrow money in order to print a copy of Scream
to give to his agent. Of course, now, he has no real problems when it comes
to the cash flow... With his mastering of the horror genre proven, Williamson
is now heading for new territories with the sale of a recent pitch for
a romantic comedy. However, he will not write the script, but may direct.
Williamson makes his directorial debut with Killing Mrs. Tingle.
Filmography for Kevin Williamson:
1. Scream 3 (1999) (also prod) 2. Killing Mrs. Tingle (1999) (also dir)
3. Halloween: H20 (1998)
4. Faculty, The (1998)
5. I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) ****(out of 5)
6. Scream 2 (1997) (also prod, act)
7. Scream (1996) ****½
As writer.
Sites for Kevin Williamson:
There are tons of sites about Williamson and his work, some Scream-sites
some Dawson's Creek, so here's one of the obvious ones:
At first, Wisher saw himself as an actor, and he got his first job acting
and writing additional dialogue on The Terminator. Wisher and James
Cameron met as Cameron moved to the small town of Brea, California.
The two friends then joined forces on the hugely successful sequel, and
it was after that that Wisher's career took off. He was one of the dozen
(!) writers on Eraser, and his latest work is on the upcoming John
McTiernan directed movies Airframe and The 13th Warrior.
The two latter are adaptions of Michael Crichton novels.
Filmography for William Wisher Jr.:
1. 13th Warrior, The (1999)
2. Airframe (1998)
3. Eraser (1996) (uncredited) ***½ (out of 5)
4. Judge Dredd (1995) **
5. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) (also act(uncred)) *****
6. Abyss, The (1989) (actor) ****
7. Terminator, The (1984) (also act) ****½
As writer, except were noted.
A writer with new ideas. A lot of people said that Speed was an
impossible movie to make - how could you keep a movie exciting for two
hours when the biggest part was spent on a bus! - but after some dialogue
rewrites by Joss Whedon, Jan De Bont
made it happen. Yost's salary got a boost, and he then sold Hard Rain.
He has also done some work on Firestorm. Though, it's unclear how
his rising star will be affected by the failure of these two latter films.
Reportedly he's been working on the script for the remake of The Planet
of the Apes.
Filmography for Graham Yost:
1. Challenger (2000)
2. Range (2000) (uncredited)
3. Firestorm (1998)
4. Hard Rain (1998)
5. Broken Arrow (1996) ***½ (out of 5)
6. Speed (1994) ****½
As writer.
Filmography for Steven Zaillian:
1. Civil Action, A (1998) (also dir)
2. Amistad (1997)
3. Mission: Impossible (1996) (story) ****(out of 5)
4. Twister (1996) (uncred) ***
5. Clear and Present Danger (1994) ***½
6. Jack the Bear (1993)
7. Schindler's List (1993) *****
8. Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993) (also dir)
... aka Innocent Moves
9. Awakenings (1990)
10. Falcon and the Snowman, The (1984)
on the net
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you just think I should take part of, please do mail me.