The Professional Screenwriter
Screenplays, links and resources on the Net
Visitor #
Due to the constant change in links (and also a lack of time on my part),
I have decided to remove the individual chart of downloadable scripts and
instead present a wider set of links in the areas of interest.
Drew's Script-O-Rama
If you can't find it here, it's not to be found on the net. Unless you
want to pay for it.
Scripts & Screenplays
Lots and lots of screenplays, but not for free.
The Script Shop
Similar as the above.
baby, screenplays! Screenplays
by writers who aren't professional, yet. Also at Drew's.
About Screenwriting
Screaming in the Celluloid Jungle
Definitely one of the best screenwriter's resources pages out there.
The Screenwriters Utopia
Interviews with and articles by famous and competent writers.
Screenwriter's Heaven
at Screenplace
A Swedish site with lots of tips, discussions and resources.
Charles Deemer's Homepage
Tips and stuff on screenwriting. Very competent.
The Action/Adventure
Analysis of the work of renowned writers. Maintained by the webmaster at
Screenwriting Home
Screenwriter Utopia.
The Screenwriter's
Nebula Drive
Screenwriters Utopian
Assistance & Workshops
Script Workshop
Hollywood Script
A1 Script Wizards
The Cyberspace Film School
Boxoffice & Scriptsales
Box Office Guru
A good site with fast reports on what's hot this weekend along with good
predictions for next.
Done Deal
Find out what's selling in Hollywood right now.
Movie Links
Trailer Park
This is where you find links to trailers for all the new films as well
as many old ones.
Coming Attractions by
Corona Want to find out about that new flick you've heard rumours about?
Corona's got info on
every movie in production, development, script or just concept state.
Internet Movie Database
Everything on cast and crew on every film you can think of, plus info on
your favorite actor,
director, writer, composer, sound guy or whatever.
Online Trailers Not just trailers,
actually, but also photos, sound clips, etc..